6 Reasons to Stop Preparing Your Own Analytical Standards in the Lab

In many laboratories, it’s common practice for chemists to prepare their own analytical standards. While this DIY approach might seem economical and convenient, it actually introduces a host of challenges and risks that can compromise the quality and efficiency of your work. Fortunately, there’s a better alternative: custom certified reference materials (CRMs) from Inorganic Ventures. These ready-made solutions are designed to save you time, reduce errors, and ensure the highest levels of accuracy and reliability in your lab work.

Here are six compelling reasons to consider switching to custom CRMs instead of mixing your own analytical standards in-house.


Mixing analytical standards isn’t just time-consuming; it’s expensive. When you factor in the costs of raw materials, equipment, labor, and administrative overhead, the expenses quickly add up. Additionally, managing inventory and ensuring that each solution is properly stocked and reordered at the right time further compounds the cost.

With custom CRMs from Inorganic Ventures, you only pay for what you need. Our solutions come pre-mixed and ready for immediate use, eliminating the need for additional preparation. This streamlines inventory management and allows you to focus your resources on more critical tasks.

Hassle-Free Documentation

Documenting the preparation and use of analytical standards is a tedious yet essential task, particularly in labs that must adhere to strict regulatory standards. Maintaining detailed records and ensuring that every standard is produced to the highest quality can be overwhelming, especially when faced with an audit.

By opting for custom CRMs from Inorganic Ventures, all regulatory documentation, including Certificates of Analysis (CoA) and Safety Data Sheets (SDS), is handled for you. Our products are manufactured and certified under ISO 17025 and ISO 17034 Scopes, ensuring that you have all the necessary paperwork readily available for any audit.

Minimized Human Error

Even the most experienced chemists are susceptible to mistakes. Errors in calculations, dilutions, or the use of incorrect materials can compromise the accuracy of your results. Unfortunately, the margin for error in analytical chemistry is razor-thin, and any mistake can lead to costly rework or invalid data.

At Inorganic Ventures, our technical team carefully reviews and validates every custom blend to guarantee compatibility and stability. Our CRMs undergo rigorous quality control processes to ensure absolute accuracy, providing you with the peace of mind that your results are reliable. We can also offer guidance on combining standards to create a stable working solution, backed by extensive stability studies.

Simplified Storage

Storing analytical standards presents its own set of challenges. Over time, transpiration can lead to changes in concentration, which can compromise the integrity of your standards. When preparing your own solutions in-house, there’s little you can do to prevent this phenomenon.

Inorganic Ventures has developed a proprietary packaging system that mitigates transpiration and preserves the integrity of our CRMs over extended periods. Our Transpiration Control Technology (TCT) maintains the stability of your standards for up to five years, reducing the need for frequent restocking and easing your storage concerns.

Reduced Risk of Contamination

Maintaining the purity of your analytical standards is crucial, and even minor contaminants can skew your results. Preparing standards in-house requires strict cleanliness protocols, from sterilized equipment to ultra-clean bottles, to avoid introducing impurities.

At Inorganic Ventures, we take contamination prevention seriously. We source the cleanest materials, use dedicated clean rooms with HEPA filtration, and employ ultra-high purity acids in the production of our CRMs. This ensures that our products meet the highest standards of cleanliness and purity, safeguarding the accuracy of your analytical results.

Expert Support for Unexpected Results

When results don’t go as expected, it can be challenging to pinpoint the source of the error. If you’re mixing your own standards, even a small mistake can necessitate starting over from scratch, costing you valuable time and resources.

Inorganic Ventures offers expert technical support to help troubleshoot any issues that arise during testing. Our team is well-versed in sample preparation and problem-solving, and we’re here to assist you whenever you encounter unexpected challenges.

Switching from in-house preparation to custom CRMs offers numerous advantages, from cost savings and reduced errors to simplified documentation and storage. Let Inorganic Ventures take the burden of mixing and certifying your analytical standards, so you can focus on what matters most: producing accurate, reliable results.